At its meeting on 5 February 2018, the Board of Directors of Teixeira Duarte, S.A. approved the new “Teixeira Duarte Group Code of Ethics and Conduct”. View the “Teixeira Duarte Group Code of Ethics and Conduct” here.
The Code enshrines the mission and values that define Teixeira Duarte’s Ethics and establishes rules that reinforce, develop or complement them, thus defining the Conduct of all the respective recipients.
This new updated version of the Code applies to Teixeira Duarte, S.A. itself and extends to all entities that form part of its consolidation perimeter and management scope, in all geographical areas where the Group carries out its activity.
The Code is aimed at all Directors, Workers and Other Company Representatives. Furthermore, not only is it the responsibility of all of these employees to know about and grasp the Code, and to implement it within the institution and defend it externally, but also to encourage the application of the respective rules by third parties in the sector, and during the course of relationships that these parties maintain with any Teixeira Duarte Group entities.
Any irregularities that are identified concerning any external or internal standards must be reported by the following means:
Each Group Company guarantees the confidentiality of any communications that are received, that there is no retaliation against complainants for complaints filed in good faith, and that the personal data of the complainant and the person suspected of committing the infraction are protected.
Any retaliation committed against the complainants is condemned by Teixeira Duarte, S.A. and by all Group companies, and may lead to disciplinary proceedings against perpetrators and the people who allowed any such retaliation.
Since its first real estate project in the '70s, over the years Teixeira Duarte has consolidated a vast array of skills and services along the entire real estate development chain. With more than 6 million m2 of construction, 3 million m2 presently under construction and over 7,000 homes completed all over the world, Teixeira Duarte is today a landmark company in the real estate market.
The information on this website is merely a guide and is not contractual, nor is it binding in nature. Furthermore, all materials and finishes shown herein are subject to adjustments/changes in order to accomodate architectural project evolution and/or the intended use of buildings, in whatever way considered necessary and at any time deemed appropriate.